What Do BPM, Coffee And 30 Minutes Have In Common?

Techspresso Educational Webinar Series on BPM

Catch a quick 30 minute educational webinar on Business Process Management.  There are a few topics to choose from, or you can register for the whole series.  Register here:

BPM Process Workflow Webinar
Click to Register

Alternatively, here is the link:

Techsprersso BPM Educational Series

Opening the Door: BYOA for the IBM iSeries/AS400/DB2

AS400 Reports and Forms

Making Your IBM Data Accessible for Workflows, Forms and Reports


One of the core challenges for any IT Department today is the ability to “Open the Door” to all systems, and make information accessible.  The legacy and stability of the IBM platform has made it core to business operations in many vertical industries, but it is difficult to access the information in a user friendly manner.  Opening up access to the data that lies within, can provide amazing efficiency and improvements in productivity, and a business apps platform can help.   The new trend of BYOA, or Build Your Own Apps, relies on the following core components:

  • Data – it all starts with the data layer.  The ability to integrate with IBM, Salesforce, Oracle, SQL, SharePoint, etc., is critical in building applications.  Take it to the next level, and provide a no code solution as a binding force, and now you have a fantastic foundation.
  • Forms – Once the data is accessible, you now have the ability to build forms, and provide an all-in-one interface that can show information from multiple line of business systems.  Creating, reading, updating and deleting information can now be controlled through a browser based, friendly interface.
  • Workflow – with access to system data, now building efficient business processes can be streamlined.  Data can be presented, and readily accessible in any process.
  • Reports – with readily accessible data, reports are now just a visual form, and information can be presented in a dynamic and useful way.

All of this can be provided through a NO CODE solution.   Join us for a Webinar on Tuesday, April 21st, and see how you can give your IBM infrastructure a fresh new look, and leverage all that BYOA can provide.

Webinar Registration: BYOA: Business Apps for IBM AS400 and DB2



Upcoming Webinar Schedule

Business Process Management Applications


Want to learn more about how business process application can transform your business and improve efficiency?  See the below webinar schedule to get more information on some great topics.

BPM and Accounting: Better Vendor On-boarding Webinar

Vendor Onboarding automation with BPM

BPM & Workflow in Accounting – Solutions

Is your vendor on-boarding process repetitive, labor intensive and time consuming?  Manually capturing and validating vendor information, along with the necessary paper-based authorizations to stay in compliance can be error prone and resource heavy. For businesses today, working smarter means finding ways to streamline manual processes like your vendor onboarding process. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to speed up and streamline vendor onboarding:

  1. Simplify and centralize your vendor requirements submission process
  2. Validate vendor information in real time
  3. Automate the routing and approval process
  4. Speed up authorizations and approvals
  5. Securely store information in the right systems of record

Register now for this webinar: BPM and Workflow in Accounting: Business Apps for Vendor On-boarding