Cloud Applications Event for Office 365 and Salesforce

IT Leadership Event at the Microsoft Technology Center in Irvine

Microsoft Office 365 has set a new bar for productivity platforms, and as a result, businesses far and wide are scrambling to leverage the power of its tools. If you have moved – or are moving – to Office 365, customizing your investment and integrating with your LOB apps and CRM solutions doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming.

In this exclusive seminar, experts from K2 and Microsoft will cover solutions to help you create effective business apps fast. You’ll learn how to:

  • Improve productivity and business performance without a coding effort
  • Create rich forms and experiences that will actually get used
  • Design and deploy high-value business apps in a fraction of the time typically required
  • Integrate Office365 with your line of business apps and CRM solutions like Salesforce to push and pull data in real time with a single, regardless of location

There are only 30 slots available for this private event – please register now to reserve your spot.

Register Now


NHS E-Noting: A Case Study in Business Application Transformation

Business Apps for Healthcare

BPM / Business Apps in Healthcare

Going paperless and moving toward a digital healthcare strategy are hot topics in the media and
can help patients and doctors alike modernize and improve the quality of systems and data.  See this cool video overview of how Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust used K2 Apps to streamline their process.  ( Case Study here: BPM and Forms in Healthcare )

BPM and Accounting: Better Vendor On-boarding Webinar

Vendor Onboarding automation with BPM

BPM & Workflow in Accounting – Solutions

Is your vendor on-boarding process repetitive, labor intensive and time consuming?  Manually capturing and validating vendor information, along with the necessary paper-based authorizations to stay in compliance can be error prone and resource heavy. For businesses today, working smarter means finding ways to streamline manual processes like your vendor onboarding process. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to speed up and streamline vendor onboarding:

  1. Simplify and centralize your vendor requirements submission process
  2. Validate vendor information in real time
  3. Automate the routing and approval process
  4. Speed up authorizations and approvals
  5. Securely store information in the right systems of record

Register now for this webinar: BPM and Workflow in Accounting: Business Apps for Vendor On-boarding